Potage Parmentier
a.k.a. Potato & Onion Soup

Peggy Bryant's Potage Parmentier is a smooth potato and onion soup which is best served with home-made croutons.
- 500 gm Peeled onions (or 350 gm Onions & 150 gm Leeks)
- 500 gm Peeled potatoes
- 60 gm Butter
- 60 gm Flour
- 750 ml Chicken stock (or vegetable stock for vegetarians)
- 750 ml Milk
- Salt & black pepper to taste
- 4 Slices of white bread - cut in cubes
- Sunflower oil
This soup is best made with chicken stock made by rendering a roast chicken carcass (after the meat has been eaten - odd bits of meat and stuffing can be left as they add to the flavour) in a pressure cooker for 30-40 minutes and straining. This stock will keep 2-3 days in a refrierator or 2-3 months in a freezer. Or use two stock cubes in water - chicken stock cubes are better for this soup (IMHO), but vegetable ones are fine for vegetarians.
Peel and coarsely chop the onions (and leeks) and potatoes. Saute the onions (and leeks) in the butter until soft (one version cooks them a little longer until they are caramelised to a light brown but the soup is not white if you do this - see illustrations). Add the stock and the potatoes and simmer until the potatoes are cooked. Add the milk and flour, and salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste. Blend with an electric blender (hand or cup) until the soup is smooth and free from lumps. Bring back to the boil, stirring well to avoid sticking (this is best cooked in a pan with a heavy bottom which spreads the heat uniformly). A swirl of cream in each dish as this soup is served looks very nice and improves the flavour yet more. Serve with croutons, and perhaps a light garnish of chopped chives or parsley. Serves 4-6.
Croutons:- Cut the white bread into 10-15 mm cubes and fry in hot sunflower oil, stirring frequently, until the cubes are brown on all sides.
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